5 Causes of Depression

In my previous post, I have covered an overview of depression.  Here I will discuss what causes this beast. 


1.   Depression can be genetic, although the exact gene causing it is presently unknown. If you have a family member with depression, you’re more likely to experience it, too.  This however might be hard to tell as clinical depression was formally recognized in the U.S. around 1970s.  Prior to that, it was known as melancholy, therefore undiagnosed.  It could have been misdiagnosed for a multitude of other reasons, especially in the old days.

2.   Depression can be triggered by imbalance of certain neurotransmitters in the brain.  Why this is happening, remains a mystery and is not fully understood.  Antidepressant medications work to balance these neurotransmitters, mainly serotonin.

3.   Hormonal changes certainly play a role in developing depression.  Generally, depression is more common in women than in men, due to the changes in hormone levels throughout a woman’s life.  Pregnancy, giving birth or experiencing a miscarriage, PMS, menopause are just a few examples.  Thyroid problems can cause hormonal fluctuations as well because thyroid is an endocrine gland.

4.   Enter the change of seasons.  Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a form of depression that can happen as daylight hours get shorter as the winter approaches.  Around this time of the year, some people experience feelings of tiredness, lethargy and loss of interest in everyday tasks.  This condition usually goes away once the days get longer.

5.   Then there is a situational depression that can happen due to a change in life circumstances or struggle.   Such as for example, losing a loved one, getting fired from work, financial troubles or other serious changes.  PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorders is often diagnosed in soldiers returning from war.  However, it can also happen as a result of a childhood trauma, abuse or assault, a car accident, or being diagnosed with a life-threatening condition.  Some sources classify these as anxiety disorders.

The treatment of depression is a long and bumpy road.  It may include medications, psychotherapy, or both.  It can go by trial and error and takes time to find a working combination of these.  Exercises can definitely help but oftentimes it’s easier said than done.  When you’re feeling sad, worthless and having low energy, exercises can seem next to impossible.  Perhaps you can start out slowly.  Try to stay busy with something you enjoy doing … if you draw a blank, turn to chores.  Generally, anything that helps to take your mind of whatever bothers you.  If you feel like writing, keeping a diary might help; blogging is even better.  You can find plenty of understanding folks here on WordPress.

Image of music

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Listen to the music!  Just sit in a quiet place and do nothing but listen to your favorite tune.  You can feel the music; it allows you to express yourself at the times when you’re short of words to describe your feelings.  Music can be a welcome distraction that takes your mind off whatever bothers you.  There is no guarantee that it’ll work but it’s worth trying.




Disclosure:  the above statements represent my personal opinion and derive from my online research.  They can be seen as controversial and some sources disagree.  Each to their own.   Your mileage may vary but this is My Mileage.

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47 Responses to 5 Causes of Depression

  1. Michelle says:

    Informative… very well put and a great read. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mycraftylittlestitches says:

    Thank you for getting the message out. I suffer from PTSD and depression caused by childhood sexual abuse and I can’t count the number of times I have been told to: ” get over it already.” I’m making progress but you’re right, it is a long and bumpy road and I may never fully recover.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. runawaywidow says:

    I related to your article so well. I’m suffering from PTSD and seeking therapy and take medication after the violent death of my husband. I started a blog a few months ago when I traveled solo to Thailand. I am actually doing many if your suggestions but I know I need to increase exercise.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Anna says:

    Well I’m glad that you’ve found a solution to efficiently deal with your feelings. I’m thinking that you could’ve been sensitive or allergic to wheat, and this is how it manifested in you. So eliminating wheat did the trick, good for you! Hi 5

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My energy levels went up when I stopped eating wheat. Doing 40 mins exercise a day, getting out for walks as often as I can, and taking vitamin D supplements also help my winter misery. So does going sunshine holidays and playing with my cats.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. michelle213norton says:

    I recently read that they have identified chronic systemic inflammation as either a cause or major factor in depression. This means that it can be treated with healthy foods as well. As a matter of fact, there is a wealth of information on the influence of food on moods.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Really grea article!
    I’ve written an article myself on my own depression and history – and how I believe writing helps us and can help us to combat this. Check it out if you like. https://emilycrutcheruk.wordpress.com/2016/09/29/how-writing-is-helping-me-combat-anxiety-and-depression/
    Emily x

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Reblogged this on LightExistence and commented:
    Reblogged from “Come in, Sit down” blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Anna says:

    Sure, please go ahead and reblog. Thank you!


  10. May I reblog this?

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Powerful post ..depression is onbthe increase and this post is useful. I do think our thoughts , feeling contribute to a peaceful life or a mental,deptessesd or a stressed life. We r what we think do ..

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Grandtrines says:

    Reblogged this on Still Another Writer's Blog.

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  13. I come from a family with generations of depressive episodes, the worst was one lasting 20 years, and referred to as “the melancholy”.(Grandfather). The hardest part, but the most valuable, was releasing the stigma, and opening the dialogue. My parents never found a way out of their shame to do that. There could have been so much healing.

    My personal take on it would see depression as “anger turned inward”. When I started writing, keeping a journal, it became pretty clear to me.

    Minor depression responds to many of the things you mentioned, but clinical depression is a tough beast to conquer. Exercise, proper nutrition, music, writing, etc. will surely help, but it is a disease of the brain, after all, and we need to treat it like any other major illness.

    I really enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Van

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Reblogged this on a cooking pot and twistedtales and commented:
    Excellent information on Depression and Diabetes. Have a read.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. So important to bring light and talk openly about depression. I suffered unknowing what was wrong with me. Unfortunately it was so taboo my parents had kept it from me that it was highly genetic. After having my first child I fell into deep dark places. Thankfully 25 years later it’s under control. Now I advocate and speak openly about depression.

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Great post Amanda! My I reblog this later if it is ok for you? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. This is well articulated and useful Anna. I’ll reblog it tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. painkills2 says:

    I don’t suffer from depression, but sometimes I have to just accept that I’m feeling sad and live and breathe the sadness, just like I live with all of my other emotions. I know depression is different than sadness, and that’s why I was wondering if sometimes accepting the sadness would be good advice for someone with depression. What do you think?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for asking this question but I’m having a hard time giving an advice because I am not a health care professional; I’m just a blogger. I would recommend discussing this with your doctor.

      Hope you’ll find a solution. God bless.

      Liked by 2 people

      • painkills2 says:

        Sorry, maybe I’m not being very clear. Since you suffer from depression, I was wondering how you would feel if someone advised you to just feel and accept the sadness for a short period of time. I’m afraid if I suggested that to someone with depression, it could make the depression worse. It seems like when you suffer from depression, you have to constantly fight against the sadness.

        It’s just that I have a friend who suffers from depression, but right now, she is also suffering from grief. And I don’t want my advice to make things worse.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Anna says:

      I see what you’re saying. Now that you rephrased this, I can tell you that I wouldn’t give in to the depression for any period of time, if I can help it. I would much rather try and focus on something else.

      IMO depression is more than just feeling sad. When I feel blue, I start blaming myself for every mistake or a wrong judgment I’d ever made, everything that I could’ve done differently and now I don’t have a chance.

      However, I don’t think that I have a clinical depression. True I do get blue every once in a while but I can function. Ability to function is a keyword here.

      Thanks for your comment and understanding.

      Liked by 2 people

  19. Kewrites says:

    Great post Anna, many times situational depression tries to get me, but God always provide an escape 🙂 I listen to music as well. I will start slowly with the exercise. Thanks so much

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Berni says:

    Nevermind. You know (or should I say you got no idea?) how valueable your articles are.

    I’ve more than a decade of researching on mental health under my belt but I can never match your skills, not even Mayo Clinic, PsychCentral or others publish such valuable insight.

    I’ll patiently wait for an article on anxiety & insomnia. It kills me.

    Be blessed.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I am glad you liked it, Berni. It works for me, too.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and making a comment!


  22. Berni says:

    I liked the idea of music. It works a lot for mild cases of depression.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. kkeevins says:

    GREAT summary of “The Beast!” Your points were right on and I’m sure will be helpful to many.
    Is there any such thing as a coincidence? 😀
    I just posted a piece titled “FUNK” — U! Obviously, about being in a funk. (Certainly not uncommon for diabetics.)
    Keep up the good work, Anna
    –Kathy from:

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Very helpful resource here. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Excellent information- thank you so much for sharing. I remember 15 years ago my group of friends just didn’t talk about these things.. it was taboo. I am so glad it is talked about more now and other forms of mental conditions/diseases. I am thankful for your information- thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

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