The Skinny on Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder, meaning that the body’s immune system attacks its own pancreas affecting its ability to produce insulin; this usually happens at a young age.  In this case scenario, insulin has to come into your body from outside a good example of which is an insulin pump.  FYI not all autoimmune disorders happen at a young age.

Type 2 diabetes is a different ball game.  Contrary to the popular belief, increased sugar consumption doesn’t cause type 2 diabetes.

Just because type 2 diabetes is linked to high levels of blood sugar, it may seem logical to assume that eating too much sugar is the cause of diabetes.  However, it’s not that simple.  High-sugar diet can increase the risk of developing diabetes but doesn’t directly cause it.  There is no proven link between the two.   By analogy, driving on the road can increase your risk for an accident but a mere fact of driving doesn’t cause it.

What happens with type 2 is that people develop insulin resistance.  Here’s how it works.  When you consume sugar, it attaches to hemoglobin that delivers it to your body cells to be used for energy.  Think about insulin as a key to open the door (of a cell) to let glucose in.  In case of insulin resistance the door won’t open and glucose can’t get in.  As a result, glucose builds up in the bloodstream instead of being absorbed by the cells.

It is believed that excess weight and physical inactivity largely contribute to the insulin resistance.  Genetics play a role, as well.

How type 2 diabetes is diagnosed:  A1C test   A1C test kit

A1C is a widely used test to diagnose type 2 diabetes. It is also called HbA1C or glycated hemoglobin test.  Hemoglobin is a substance found in the red blood cells which carry oxygen throughout your body.  When blood sugar level is elevated, sugar combines with hemoglobin making it “glycated” in which case scenario A1C test shows an elevated number.  This test is being used to show how well your diabetes is being controlled.  Since red blood cells live up to 3 months, this test should be at this interval.   This very test was used to diagnose my type 2 diabetes.

For people without diabetes, the normal range for the A1C test is between 4% and 5.6%.  A1C levels between 5.7% and 6.4% indicate increased risk of diabetes and levels of 6.5% or higher indicate diabetes.  The goal for people with diabetes is a A1C level less than 7%.  The higher the A1C number is, the higher the risks of developing diabetes-related complications.



Posted in A1C, About diabetes, blood sugar, diabetes, diet, Health, insulin resistance | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 23 Comments

How reliable are Covid-19 diagnostic tests and how good are new WordPress changes

They are not reliable at all; here I’m talking about COVID-19 tests. False positives are known to happen with a certain system test. And this is where it ends because I am unable to insert a link with a text and am generally pissed off with the new style. So I am leaving the WordPress and off I’m going to the greener pastures.

Drop cap ability is about the only good thing about the WordPress changes. And it absolutely sucks that WP first offers a new style as an option, whatever this means in WP language, and then says, if you want the old style back, pay a ransom. Yes ransom, this is the only way to call this WP action.

Bye bye for now. Can’t remove the tag below that prominently shows on the preview only but not when I’m trying to write a post. Whether it will be here when I actually post, remains to be seen.

<p id="

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How coronavirus is diagnosed?

This is a sequel to my previous post. How do you think it is diagnosed? Tests are first thing that comes to mind but alas, they are not reliable. Next best are the symptoms alone which is what seemingly took place at Port Clinton.

An army vet, Richard Rose, was a naysayer. He refused to buy a mask, called it a hype and more. Advised turning TV off as the media is “dividing the nation and causing panic.” and “stop being a sheep.”

Then he announced being tested positive but sounded like he had no symptoms at the time. Later found dead in his apartment. There were no signs of forced entry which if you ever watched Forensic Files or the like, doesn’t mean much. Anyway, he’s dead at 37. His death was attributed to coronavirus that left his friends dumbfounded. Why not do anything to find out and make sure it was nothing else, they say. At least a blood test, at the most the autopsy. Neither one was done and the coroner remained unmoved. Stated that the autopsy would not alter cause of death, period. Whatever would be found at autopsy, all would be caused by Covid-19. The end.

A fine example of how coronavirus is diagnosed by symptoms alone. Wanna bet it doesn’t happen more often than not?

I did an experiment and took my old symptoms to the test. Earlier this year I blogged about having persistent cough that I successfully cured by homemade steam inhalation. So it wasn’t coronavirus after all. But now I went to a few self checking online sites with my old symptoms. My first stop was Mayo Clinic where I was told that I have symptoms and to call a doctor within 12 hours.

Mayo Clinic Self Checker - Copy

Texas self-checker was next. I answered the questions about my age of over 65 and an underlying condition of diabetes that is a scape goat for most anything. Based on these two I was told to call my doctor within 24 hours of symptoms onset, otherwise had I been younger than 65 and no diabetes, I could just stay home and call the doctor only if the symptoms get worse. Anyway, the site tells me that I have symptoms and should get tested with a PCR (swab) test. Not happening.
TEXAS Self Checker - Copy

I bet had I been tested, could have gotten a false positive and put on a ventilator against my will.

To be continued.  I am not finished yet

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My humble opinion about coronavirus

I will begin with the face masks that we are forced to wear. I don’t believe that masks help any in the first place. Remember when CDC told us that masks don’t provide protection?

Back then CDC even went as far as advising not to wear masks if we have no symptoms, and that masks provide a false sense of security. They were absolutely right back then. However later on CDC went into a reverse mode. The problem is, CDC can’t admit that they don’t know what to do about all this. They are supposed to know by default. So then CDC proceeded on blaming the victims. Yeah what else is new. The message is basically that it’s your own fault because you don’t wear masks. Start wearing them and boom, the problem solved. Only it is not solved except that the mask industry is booming.

I came across a website that gives an interesting insight into the masks buying and wearing. Aside from the masks now being mandatory, why do you think people are buying masks? Because, the site says, masks buying has to do with the mental reasons rather than with physical. Coronavirus is a new uncharted territory, hence fear of unknown kicks right in, fueled by the media and the next thing we know we’re dealing with anxiety. We then take action by wearing masks, which puts us in the perceived control and relieves anxiety. Now whenever I see people wearing masks in a completely, utterly empty street, I know why. Psychology calls this illusion of control.

Now the masks are mandated and there is no way around it. Not wearing a mask can get you in trouble quick. Heck you might even get arrested. Can’t vouch for this one though as I’ve never tried. But am curious. Sometimes however, even wearing a mask can get you in trouble. And there’s no middle ground.

I can’t help but wonder why we are never required to wear a mask during a flu season. Hmmm. And how come that we never heard of coronavirus before it actually happened. It literally appeared out of nowhere. A mystery.

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Lettuce-tuna salad

This afternoon I was in a mood to munch on something and thought up this. A low carb snack.



  • one half head of a medium iceberg lettuce
  • one can tuna in water
  • just a bit of oil
  • one teaspoon of organic mayo

Toss all the ingredients together, place in a fridge for a while to cool down, and it’s all good. Lettuce is low carb, about 8 g for what I used, and the remaining ingredients are all carb-free. It turned out a bit watery but no biggie. Next time will drain water from tuna.


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Living in COVID era rant

Aka panic mode. Everyone is supposed to wear a mask although not mandatory just everywhere. Walmart is open and banks are closed. Auto repair shops accept drop in only, and even then they are suddenly overloaded with big cases repairs.  My AC and the radio that happen to suddenly quit working, have to wait until the better times that are nowhere in sight.

Banks are closed although google claims that some locations are open. Went in to cash a check that my AAA auto insurance company sent me as a rebate on occasion of Covid and kissed the door.

Then I went to Walmart to pick up a few rolls of paper towels that an email informed me were in stock. And of course picked a few groceries as well. And went to stay in line, trying to keep the 6 foot social distancing or so they say.

That looks familiar?  Courtesy of Walmart corporate

blue patch

Almost no one keeps said distance. I was standing at the end of the aisle while everyone behind me was supposed to form a line inside the aisle, right? Guess what, two dudes stand on each side of me within maybe a foot or two distance and trying to figure out their place in line. And then a broom comes along, efficiently cutting the six foot in about half. Let alone the passers by with the same effect.

Not everyone is wearing masks anyway, some folks wear them on the chin like a beard of sorts, and no one’s reinforcing the six foot distance. The mere six foot thingy sounds more like being politically correct and means little more than the blue painted patches on the floor.

Contrary to the popular belief, the masks don’t protect you from the virus. Aside from the fact that no one really knows how the virus transmits other than doing some guesswork, almost no one is wearing them correctly, and the tiny virus will find its way to get inside. If something happens to itch just under the mask, how do you scratch it? Of course you reach out and here goes. Besides, the virus can settle ANYWHERE, including your hair, clothes and of course the outside of said mask, let alone the shopping cart and your groceries. No matter how thick your mask is, the tiny virus can find its way through. Then again, you should be able to breath through the mask or else you’d be defeating the purpose, don’t ya think? How often can you wash your hands and how much it helps anyway? It’s everybody’s guess. You can wash your hands alright. Can you wash EVERYTHING ELSE that you touch and how often?

So the hair salons are closed, some possibly forever, my hair looks like hell and no doubt some virus might just find their refuge there, or in anyone else’s hair for this matter. The hair salons are closed while the grocery stores are running in full tilt. It is not okay to bring your own grocery bag to a store but carrying a purse is okay. Plastic bags are making a comeback. Some Walmart locations run no touch pick up while the others do not. In the latter, the pickup associates don’t wear masks and don’t keep the 6 ft distance.

Some facebookers advise to put your newspaper in quarantine for six days. That assuming that everyone has a porch. If you however don’t have a porch and just happen to subscribe to a newspaper in print, tough luck. What good the newspaper does after the six days wait anyway?

Then again, you still get snail mail, right? Some of us will receive the Stimulus check or a debit card this way. And oh, the junk mail! The senders of which apparently don’t give it a thought. Spectrum for once, is bombarding me with these while upping my monthly fee for some reason or another. Likewise is AARP that I am not even a member of. And others.

This panic mode is driving me crazy and I absolutely hate it. What we’re doing now is like running after the flies with a swatter like a madman of sorts, instead of figuring out where and how the flies are coming from and cut it short. That remains to be seen. Some FB groups admins closed their groups for the time period uncertain, others limit exchanges for what they decide is essential. My group remains open, although just to be politically correct, I advised no touch pick up. So I placed something on the bench at the front entrance to the building and a gal came to pick it up. We were within about two feet from each other and she picked up the package from the bench. No touch alright but I don’t think it made a huge difference. Neither one of us was wearing a mask or gloves. I am still around and blogging at a rate about once a month.

And the good news is, I am stocked up with the Bounty paper towels for a while. Long live paper towels! Thanks for the ear.

Meet my handmade mask, crocheted with cotton yarn. Love the colors, but sometimes I hate it.

P.S. For some unfathomable reason I am unable to add a category “Virus”. Tried a few times to no avail. Hmmm.

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Invisible disability and oil change

In these days of coronavirus and stay-at-home orders coupled with social distancing, a simple car oil change can become a project. Most shops will only do a drop off, and a few offer loaners but all this seems to be a fuss over oil change of all things. I ended up going to a local Valvoline where they do it while you wait.

Apr 22. Valvoline station

No one in the shop was wearing masks or gloves, with the exception of shop gloves. And no one kept a six foot distance. Business as usual. On top of all that, the charges are higher than those in a local shop but you have no choice. So I went in and had my oil change done.

Afterwards read reviews and my eyes grew wide open big as quarters. These places are franchises and basically hit or miss. Some folks report their oil tanks overfilled that caused engine damage. Some others report something or the other overtightened or undertightened, with the same results. So I decided to bring my car to a local Firestone to check out if said oil change was done right.  Just to be on the safe side.

Apr 22. FirestoneThis looks familiar?

Upon calling the shop I was informed that I have to wait ONE HOUR that is dubbed as a “quick & easy curbside drop-off”. Inasmuch as I like this particular shop, it is located in the middle of nowhere. No coffee shops or shopping malls with a chair or a bench to sit on. And there is no way that I walk one hour or so and my back doesn’t start killing me. Sitting down helps to alleviate the pain but alas, there is nowhere to sit. I knew I had to get creative.

I googled and emailed the headquarters. Explained my dilemma and asked for half an hour wait. Received a reply with date and time and that the shop was advised of my time constraint. In the process, I had to mention that I am a disabled senior citizen. I don’t often play this card but this time I just had to. The shop however should have known this already. I’ve been there before and certainly don’t look like a young chick; on top of that, my hands are crooked (out of shape due to arthritis) and granted, the rest of my disability is invisible. For the record, I am 69.

Am going there tomorrow at 12 noon. Here’s to hoping it’ll go as planned.

More about invisible disability later.


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Cough, cough or meet my electric kettle

Another day I started coughing for no apparent reason. This was going on and I just couldn’t stop. It was happening during the day only and didn’t interfere with my night sleep. No it’s not what you might think. Not a cold or an allergy or flu or anything else of this nature. Not a virus either. I just kept on coughing for no reason, that’s all.

My google search yielded a possibility of postnasal drip along with, you guessed it, a few suggestions to take some meds. Of course, meds have side effects that you deal with in addition to the cough problem. This didn’t sit well with me as I don’t take any meds at all. I however noticed that cough seem to go away when I take my constitutional hot showers. But can’t stay in the shower all day, so I decided to try homemade steam inhalation.

I boiled water in my electric kettle and inhaled this for a while. Repeated over a cup of hot tea. I didn’t time this, just eyeballed. Did this a few times a day and the next thing I know, cough is poof gone. Without any meds that is wonderful. Yay. And my fasting BG number was 107 another morning.


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Oh so sweet

We are conditioned or programmed if you will, to think that sweet means good. Looking at some kid and saying, she is such a sweetie is considered normal and even nice. If anything is extremely good, it’s “sweet”. Let alone a sweetheart, and you’re so sweet. So sweet is good, right?

Basically yes unless you happened to have diabetes. Then you know that the opposite is true at least for you. Still most everyone else thinks that eating sweets caused your diabetes and that it’s your own damn fault. Like for example, the infamous tweet of CrossFit’s CEO Greg Glassman that I blogged about another day.

Because most likely, you merely were not diagnosed with diabetes yet. The modern medicine has no means to diagnose diabetes early. All the finger sticks in the world and all the AIC tests are not good enough. Chances are, diabetes is lurking but not caught yet. In light of this, eating sweets will cause your diabetes getting caught. All of a sudden diabetes myths come out partially correct albeit for the wrong reasons. For all I know, maybe I was born with diabetes that didn’t get caught until a few years ago.

Ever had something right happening for the wrong reasons? I had and not only with diabetes. But that’s the food for thought for another blog.

So sweet.

P.S.  My fasting number went up because I messed up and had grits for breakfast. Grits are easy to cook, don’t come out lumpy like cream of wheat does and taste great, but they are high in carbs. So now I am trying to un-mess all this. It’ll take a while.

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Diabetic neuropathy and cold weather

Not a great combo and you hear this from the horse’s mouth.

Remember when I was blogging about my neuropathy gone bad after eating some rice?

I was thinking, how come it happened so fast after only one time eating that? As far as it getting worse and then better, I think it’s pretty normal. Been there, done that.

Whatcha know, turned out it was actually cold weather. We are having subzero temperatures here in the Midwest, and living in an old vintage building with as much as one strip of electric baseboard heating doesn’t help much. I was freezing all over including of course my feet. The neuropathy at its worst.

Hot shower helped tremendously as well as wearing diabetic socks. It’s like born again. The pain was poof gone and the numbness went down. Go figure.

Back to the carbs. I’ve done some research and found out that eggplant is a low carb food. I just happened to have one so cooked it in my trusty crockpot topped with sliced onions, sprinkled with Worcestershire sauce and salt & red pepper flakes. Set on low for overnight and in the morning it was all ready. The eggplant shrank to about one third of its original size and absorbed all the liquid it could. Doesn’t look pretty but hey, it’s low in carbs. Here it is, my eggplant casserole in a slow cooker:

Feb 16. IMG_4391 &amp; 4398

I might even become a part-time vegetarian.  Anyway, here’s to hoping that this winter will pass soon.

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Carbs rant

Just found out the hard way that I was overdoing with carbs. I did not check my morning fasting sugar in a while because it’s a chore. But I did feel my neuropathy getting worse so figured it must be carbs. The soles of my feet felt numb and hurt at the same time. Of course this is next to impossible to explain to someone who is not blessed with diabetes.

No it was not any of the simple carbs, and I haven’t touched ice cream in ages. It was brown rice that I finally figured out how to cook in a crock pot. You have to make sure that you mix it with water that is double in volume of rice. I added some stock that I happened to have on hand, and olive oil. Everything was eyeballed, and I kept a close look at the rice so it doesn’t get overdone. No I didn’t just stand over the crock pot, but each time I happened to be in the kitchen that is just one step away from everywhere else in my tiny studio, I would peek at the rice and am on my merry way.

It’s ready when the liquid is absorbed or just about.  The rice in the photo below is brown, it really is but I couldn’t capture the color.  Take my word for it.


So far so good, however rice is high in carbs. One cup of rice contains about 45 g or 3 carbs. I think I should limit myself to half a cup or less. Half a cup of rice at a time. Yep here I am.

After doing this for only a week, I noticed that my feet feel much better. I am doing the right thing after all. Am going to try riced vegetables. Cauliflower and broccoli florets are on my shopping list.






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