Gluten-Free Diet, part 1

First off, I want to acknowledge this topic as being controversial. I understand that your opinion might differ and I respect that. I felt compelled to write about this as a continuation of my series about food labels.

That being said, I was always wondering what the story was behind the gluten-free diet. Considering the fact that food proclaiming free anything is usually perceived as healthy, I was taking this with a grain of salt and thought, oh well, another fad diet. But curiosity got the best of me and off I went on doing my research. Hence this post. I will start with explaining about gluten and celiac disease.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a kind of the protein found in grains like wheat, barley, or rye. It can wreak havoc on those affected with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. It can trigger an inflammatory response damaging the lining of the intestines and interfere with food absorption process.
nov-27-grainsCeliac disease belongs to the group of autoimmune disorders, when immune system attacks the other organ systems, instead of doing what it is supposed to do. This disorder proves somewhat difficult to diagnose since it can mimic a host of other GI conditions so oftentimes it goes undiagnosed. Off the topic but ditto for type 2 diabetes. Celiacs, you are not alone.

As of this writing, there is no cure for the Celiac disease so gluten-free diet is a godsend to them. Those affected have no other choice but to stick to this diet. Some websites such as Nutrition Facts even go as far as arguing that celiac patients can actually be cured by going on a gluten-free diet. I respectfully disagree. What happens in this case scenario is that people with celiac disease have no symptoms while being on a gluten-free diet but by no means they are cured. Had they gone back to eating products containing gluten, their symptoms will be back in no time flat.

By the same token, if people with diabetes like myself completely eliminate sugar from their diet, their BG levels could be normal but unfortunately they’re not cured.  If we start consuming sugar-containing food in the before-diabetes quantities, guess what will happen.  I don’t really want to go there.

Is gluten-free diet good for the rest of us?

To be continued

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12 Responses to Gluten-Free Diet, part 1

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  2. I’ve been gluten free for 11 years now. One time on a wet holiday in France, I started eating their fabulous croissants for breakfast. I was fine for a while but on day four the abdominal pains came back, so I had to go back to abstinence.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Tatjana says:

    This is a complicated idea for me. I’m suspicious that the problem is BIGGER than just the gluten. Our diets are filled with SO MUCH crap. You may dump the gluten, but are you really eating what our bodies were intended to? My husband has a big issue with gluten; brain fog, bloating, GI upset. He avoided it for about 7 years, until we were in Switzerland / France. We decided temporarily break out healthy / allergy avoiding eating streak and just enjoy ourselves. He was amazed he felt nothing! Of course when we arrived back to the stated he had an immediate reaction to gluten. Maybe it built up in his system enough? Maybe it’s how the process the wheat? —- The problem with Diabetes is not related to sugar intake exactly. It’s related to your ability to allow sugar into the cell. Eliminating cooked red meat and increasing vegetarian based foods will help this process along. It cannot be “cured” in all cases, but some people may return to a normal baseline.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for writing a great blog

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Mneme9 says:

    There is a lot of hype and commercialism attached to the gluten free diet. Once the gluten scare was released by so called nutritionists in the media the industry of gluten free products started making millions if not billions in money. The reality is that celiac disease or gluten intolerance is quite rare. As for me even if gluten was as poisonous as plutonium, so much I love pasta that I would keep eating it and done with the gluten scare. In Italy we have been eating pasta, bread and pizza for centuries and nobody ever had any problems with gluten. Football teams and other sport athletes eat pasta to boost their performances and Italy has won four football world cups with the help of pasta. My view with regard to gluten is that, unless one is truly gluten intolerant, 1% of the population actually is, is an excess of it that may cause problems in some people. Having pasta bread, pizzas in too much quantity each day can cause problems but then everything in excess can cause health problem except moderation. All these modern bla-blah-blah self-appointed nutritionis gurus and free gluten diets endorsing celebrities only want to make money and take the joy out of eating. As far as I’m concerned, no matter what health foods one eats, eating without joy is as bad as eating junk food.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tatjana says:

      As someone who eats completely dairy free, gluten free, soy free, and corn free, I can tell you that there is a lot of joy in eating still! I have pasta, cake, cookies, ice cream without spending a fortune. If you follow the mainstream market and buy what they tell you too, of course it cost a lot. It is also filled with so much crap to make up for the lack of gluten, dairy…whatever. Making food at home, I am able to enjoy all things while eating a diet that helps me. I do agree though, it is a money making industry. Even so, it is evident that our country has an issue with food. Other countries who pick up our food habits develop the same issues. That’s a good indicator that we are doing something wrong.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mneme9 says:

        Basically one can cook and eat well and healthy with very simple food items. It’s the way one cook and select what one eats that is important. It’s like painting, a good artist doesn’t need all the colours and huge canvases. Just black plus white is enough for making good art. I say this because I’m an artist and I write about food I used to be a chef. Some people say that when it comes to food and food knowledge I’m the best in the world, well maybe but what I eat it’s very simple. Moreover all great chefs that I’ve known though they made elaborated dishes for their customers have always eaten the simplest foods. Thanks for replying
        Anyway this is my food and cookery website

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Anna says:

    I hear you. Am glad to know that you found a way to feel better even if it involved some sacrifices.


  7. piratepatty says:

    I am gluten free. The pain was not worth the taste of bread. With Celiac and Crohns I now eat for my body and not my mouth.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. We tried glutton free for sons many health problems, I have say a lot of it tasted horrible so I pity those who have to stick to it.

    Liked by 1 person

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